Forms under The Central Sales Tax Act, 1956

Forms No.      Particulars PDF Excel Doc

 Form A

Application for registration under section 7(1)/(2)  


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 Form B

Certificate of Registration  ( For Department's Use )

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 Form C

Form of Declaration  ( To be obtained from Department )

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 Form D

Form of Certificate for Making Government purchases  

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 Form E-I

Certificate under sub-section (2) of section 6  ( To be obtained from Department )

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 Form E-II

Certificate under sub-section (2) of section 6  ( To be obtained from Department )

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 Form F

Form of declaration to be issued by the transferee  ( To be obtained from Department )

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 Form G

Form of Indemnity Bond  

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 Form H

Certificate of Export  ( To be obtained from Department )

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 Form I

Form I  ( To be obtained from Department )

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 Form J

Form for Foreign Embossy  

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 Form K

Application form for issuance of C/H/F/E-I/E-II Forms  

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 Form L

Form for Sepz  

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 Form I(B)

Register of sales made on declaration  

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 Form IA(B)

Register of declaration forms maintained (by the purchasing dealer) under rule 4A (2) of the Central Sales Tax (Bombay) Rules, 1957  

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 Form III(E)

New return form for CST return  

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 Form IV-A(B)

Notice under rule 7(1) of the Central Sales Tax (Bombay) Rules, 1957  ( For Department's Use )

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 Form V(B)

Declaration under rule 8 of the Central Sales Tax (Bombay) Rules, 1957  

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 Form VI(B)

Notice under Rule 9-A of the Central Sales Tax (Bombay) Rules, 1957  ( For Department's Use )

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 Form VII(B)

Order of Assessment of Tax under Central Sales Tax Act, 1956  ( For Department's Use )

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 Form VIII(B)

Final Notice of Assessment under the Central Sales Tax Act, 1956  ( For Department's Use )

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 Form IX(B)

Appeal against an order of assessment or penalty under the Central Sales Tax Act, 1956  

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 Form X(B)

Application for revision / second appeal under the Central Sales Tax Act, 1956, against any order passed in appeal  

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 Form XI(B)

Refund Payment Order  ( For Department's Use )

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 Form XII(B)

Refund Adjustment Order  ( For Department's Use )

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 Form XIII(B)

Security Bond  

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